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bi-monthly bulletin of the International Council of Design, ico-D

January 2017


world design day 2017 theme

world design day 2017 theme

We are very excited to announce our theme for WDD 2017 this year will be “Start Young” introducing design concepts to kids through educational workshops. We believe that design is transformative and knowing that the kids of today will be the leaders of tomorrow, early awareness of design as a field of professional practice and of elemental design methodology, is key. More soon on the 27 April celebration!


globalisation & design

message from the president

Designers, like it or not, are tied to globalisation. We have no choice but to understand the economic, social, cultural and political implications of globalisation on society and on our individual professional situations. ico-D, as a voice for the international professional design community, must have clear tools and support networks, communications strategies and policies on globalisation in order to effectively serve our Members.

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ico-D platforms 2016 report

ico-D platforms 2016 report

The ico-D Platforms were created by the Council as a live space where Professional, Promotional and Educational Members, Observers and Board Members could gather in one place to share common issues and challenges. In 2016, the Pasadena Prof/Promo and Edu Platform Meetings were held at the stunning venue: ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California and tackled the issues of National Design Policy, Membership, Raising Professional Standards and Curriculum Development among other workshops, discussion forums and roundtables.

ico-D platforms 2016 report


ico-D regional meeting chile 2017

ico-D regional meeting chile 2017

The Regional Meeting in Latin America was hosted by ico-D Member DUOC UC on 19–20 January 2017 at the Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho in Santiago (Chile), in conjunction with the Design Biennial of Chile. This meeting was a unique opportunity for participants to meet and to discuss the state of Design in Latin America.

more about the event


in memoriam of Jan Rajlich (1920-2016)

in memoriam

ico-D wishes to honour Jan Rajlich (1920-2016), award-winning Czech graphic designer who died on 27 November 2016 at the age of 96 years. Jan Rajlich was a founding member of Brno Biennale Association, long-standing Member of ico-D.

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communication design 3(2) release

communication design 3(2) release

Communication Design: Interdisciplinary and Graphic Design Research has released its next issue 3(2) November 2015 with cover design by South Korean designer Ahn Sang-soo.

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CD Open Call for future issues


save the date: montréal 2017!

save the date: montréal 2017!

To all Members and our Community: the ico-D 27 General Assembly (27GA) and the ico-D Platform Meetings will take place in October 2017 in Montreal (Canada). The events will coincide with the The World Design Summit (WDS).

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INDIGO MOU signing

INDIGO MOU signing

This past November, ico-D Member Deakin University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ico-D as a part of a formal commitment to transfer management of INDIGO, the International Indigenous Design Network, to Deakin University for the next five years. The agreement included a plan to launch the International Indigenous Design Charter as a flagship project for INDIGO during 10 Days to Change the World in Montréal next year at the World Design Summit.

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ADAA: ico-D interviews  2016 finalist judge theresa whitehall

ADAA: ico-D interviews 2016 finalist judge theresa whitehall

What do you do everyday as a designer, and why do you do what you do? Graphic Artist’s Guild member Theresa Whitehill was chosen to convene as a finalist judge for this year's Adobe Design Achievement Awards. ico-D interviewed her about her experience as an ADAA judge.

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ico-D feature interview: Ermolaev Bureau

ico-D feature interview

Ermolaev Bureau is an international graphic design studio based in Moscow (Russia) with a representative in Amsterdam (Netherlands), and is one of the top 5 Russian branding agencies specialising in the creation of visual brand identity. ico-D interviewed the studio's founder Vlad Ermolaev.

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call to action: join ico-D workgroups!

call to action!

Workgroups (WG) are the Council’s research think-tanks. They are ongoing teams of Member representatives working together. Formed of Professional, Promotional and Educational Members, they speak as a united voice to inform the Council when it comes time to take a stand on critical Design issues happening around the world. Please contact us if you are interested in joining WGs on any of the following:

national design policy (NDP)
communicating the value of design
curriculum development
design research

postings + announcements

principal lecturer (communication design) hong kong design institute career centre: professor of communication design, swinburne university of technology career centre: tier 1 canada research chair, faculty of communication & design, ryerson university career centre: professor of design, university of south australia

ico-D endorsed events

hiiibrand awards 2016

the one show 2017

off grid 17

business of design week 2016

The International Council of Design (ico-D), was founded as Icograda in 1963, the name changed in 2014 to reflect the Council’s focus shift towards multidisciplinarity. ico-D Secretariat:
456 Rue de la Gauchetière Ouest,
Unit 208 Montréal, QC H2Z 1E3 Canada

Phone: +1 514 875 7545
Email: info@ico-D.org
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